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School Policies

Attendance Policy

To make normal progress, students are expected to attend class every day, come on time, 参与课堂并完成所有课堂作业. 无故旷课将导致纪律处分.

bet9官网app下载课程(IEP - F1学生签证要求)
* 20 hours per week / Eight-week sessions
* Days: Monday - Friday
* Time: 9:00 am - 12:50 pm

Intensive English Course (IEC)
* 15 hours per week / Eight-week sessions
* Days: Monday - Friday
* Time: 9:00 am - 11:50 am

Test Preparation Program
* 22 hours per week / Eight-week sessions
* Days: Monday - Friday
* Time: mornings and afternoons

* Various; Discuss with Admissions Office

Click through the tabs
above to explore more of AEI's
student policies.

Administrative Policy

重要的截止日期-以下所有内容都应在新课程前三(3)周提交, more specifically, 在本届会议第五个星期的星期五以前:
      • Requests for course or program changes must be received in writing using the Course Change/Request form.
      • To aid in counseling and planning, the school requires that all students participate in the school’s progress reporting and verification of continuation survey. (The latter is for planning purposes only and does not constitute a formal request or notification.
      • It is the student’s responsibility to notify the school about changes in any of the following: address, telephone number(s), fax number, e-mail address(es).

请预留3个工作天处理所有行政或文件要求. (I-20和所有证明文件在申请完成后需要5个工作日.)

Students who enroll or start mid-session (or who are tested after the fifth week of a session and wish to start the following session) may be asked to move from morning to evening or from evening to morning classes.

Students must make a separate application (in addition to the standard school application) for the Test Preparation (TP) programs.

Office hours: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM, 周一至周五(节假日和为期一周的季节性休假除外). See the school Academic Calendar.) IBT and TOEFL testing on Saturdays.

学生必须同意遵守停车规定和所有其他学校政策, procedures, 包括但不限于这里列出的和学生手册中列出的, incorporated herein by reference.

Tuition, fees, courses, programs and school policies are subject to change; changes apply upon re-enrollment.

学校定期在校内和校外拍照和录像, 包括在教室里和全校的活动中. Upon registration, 您同意学校可以不受限制或限制地将这些资料用于任何目的.

For all disputes involving refunds or charges:
Before legal action is initiated, 各方同意寻求bet9官网app下载司法中心的调解. 费用(估计在250-300美元之间)将平均承担.

Refunds & Withdrawal policy

Except as noted below, the $175 Application Fee is non-refundable. Regarding tuition and other fees:

          Course or Program Cancellation by the School.
          -Full Refund (including Application Fee)

          Applicant Denial of Admission by the School.
        -Full Tuition Refund (all students)

         Government 拒签(仅限F-1学生:首次入境或身份变更).
       -Full Tuition Refund (proof of government denial required), Less $275 Administrative Fee

         Cancellation Prior to Start of Class (first session).
      -学费:50%退款,减去$275行政费用(F-1) 仅限学生:首次入学或更改身份)

         Cancellation Prior to Start of Class (continuing students).
     -Tuition: No refund

         Withdrawal After Class Starts or No Show.
    -Tuition: No refund

AEI is not obligated to 因违反学校规定而被开除的学生,学校将给予退款 当地,州或联邦的书面纪律和/或出勤政策 law.

With the exception of tuition, all charges and fees such as transcripts, document delivery, students ID, etc. are not eligible for refund.

In all cases, students 必须提交一份签名并注明日期的退款申请,以及所需的文件, e.g.: visa denial letter (F-1 students). Refunds will be sent or made available 自课程取消、拒绝之日起十五(15)个工作日内 of admission, withdrawal, or refund request.

To withdraw from a class 或从学校,学生需要填写,签名和日期的官方 退出表格,并将其提交到注册主任办公室. The date of withdrawal 是由提交表格至注册主任办事处的日期或 由于学生未能遵守规定,AEI终止该学生的日期 学校的出勤、行为或学生进步政策.

Other Financial Matters

在学生被认为正式入学之前,需要全额付款. 最少的注册期是一个完整的八周的课程. Both enrollment and tuition payments are required before taking the placement test and/or attending class. Tuition and other payments are due (for continuing students) during Registration Week (the seventh week of each session). 截止日期是周五下午五点半,办公时间结束. A $50 fee will apply for late payments.

Course tuition does not include books. Books and book fees are mandatory each session. New books are not issued for repeat students. See Other Fees below. For Tuition information, visit Tuition and Fees.

Students who enroll after the first week of a session will be considered a mid-session enrollment and will receive a pro-rated tuition credit based on the time missed. 只适用于新生,不适用继续F1学生.

Credits are based on rounding up to full week and will be applied directly to the following session. No credit will be issued for days absent (courses or tutoring) except in the case of a serious and extended illness (more than half the course), in which case students are given the option of repeating the course (one session) within one year at no charge. A doctor’s note is required.

对于所有退回的支票或其他被拒绝的交易,应收取35美元的费用. 退回的支票必须在一周内换成现金或汇票. Otherwise, students may not attend class. 学生有责任支付与收藏相关的所有合理费用, such as collection agency and attorney fees.

No refunds are available for F-1 students who do not complete either the Embassy initial entry or USCIS change of status process. Refunds are available only if the denial is not the result of action or decision by the prospective student and/or his agent(s). 退款请求需要在拒绝之日起90天内提交.

Other Fees
• A one-time student services fee of $150
• Book fee each session: $85 (Intensive English); $55 (Test Preparation ); $175 (USMLE, each Step)
• Re-processing fee: $75 (re-application fee)
• Document delivery: $25 (domestic); $65 (international)
• Student ID card: $5 (replacement)
• Transcript: $5
•继续注册费用275美元(F1学生:假期), Medical Leave, and Temporary Absence) Non-refundable; may be applied against tuition.

• Cambridge Linquaskill Test Fee: $116 (The test is mandatory for all TOEFL and C1 Business Higher students.)

International student

(students holding or applying for an F1 Visa)

Students approved for a change of status must begin at the next available session or within two weeks, whichever is sooner. 参加考试准备(TP)计划取决于是否满足计划的先决条件. Students who enroll for the Test Preparation program but are required to complete the Intensive English Program are financially responsible for the difference in tuition.

Students applying for reinstatement to F1 status are required to begin study no later than the start date indicated on their I-20. 所有适用于F1学生的学校政策也适用于他们. (例如,他们可能在四次会议之后才休假.)

要求F1学生在学业上取得正常进步. 正常进度的定义如下:所有学生的成绩必须不低于70%. A student whose visa has been approved (initial entry) may request (in writing) to defer attendance for a period of up to one year. 随后,他或她的入学将被撤销,其SEVIS学生记录将被取消.

School enrollment (or a student’s SEVIS record) is canceled if for any reason a student does not communicate with the school for a period of one year from the student’s intended program start date.

参加考试准备(TP)课程的学生必须可以参加预定的课程. The school cannot guarantee or necessarily honor student preferences for more specific class times.

美国移民局要求在地址变更后10天内通知移民局. 这样的通知可以发给学校,然后学校再通知美国移民局. 学生在连续学习一学年或八个月后有资格休假. Requests for vacation for a subsequent session must be received in writing using the Vacation Request form by Friday of the fifth week of a session. Students who intend to transfer or stop studying at AEI after the vacation cannot apply for vacation. Those who get approved for vacation are expected to return to AEI for the session subsequent to his/her vacation.

批准休假的学生需要支付不可退还的275美元继续注册费, medical leave, or temporary absence. The $275 will be credited against future tuition and is due during Registration Week for students approved for vacation or within 3 weeks of an approval for medical leave, or temporary absence. Otherwise, a late fee of $50 applies. 所有临时缺勤或病假必须申请并批准. for specific policy and procedure, 请填写临时缺勤申请表或病假申请表, respectively. International students must request a transfer out (using our Transfer-out Request form) on or before the Friday of the fifth week of a session, 并在不迟于同一会期的最后一天出示接受证明. Please see the school’s Transfer-out Request form (incorporated here by reference) for additional information.

Change of Status applicants must complete at least (three) 3 sessions or graduate from the IEP before they transfer. 否则,他们将承担其余会议的财政责任. 请参见:退款和提款政策(所有学生).

Grading Scale

• 90 – 100%: Advanced Proficiency
• 80 – 89%: Exceeding Proficiency
• 70 – 79%: Meets Proficiency
•  0 – 69%: Not Proficient; Repeat Course

学生必须在所有课程中取得至少70%的成绩才能进入下一个级别. Refer to course syllabi for specific requirements.

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